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Today's RSI Time Capsule relates some interesting political manuevering that has opinions divided and emotions high: 2523: The Three Pillars. Also check out the RSI Museum for info on one of Chris Roberts' earliest games - King Kong.

And lastly, everyone has been waiting anxiously to see if their question was among the five that Chris Roberts has replied to! Check out Chris Roberts answers here!

Do you think it’s possible to bring space sims back into the mainstream? If so, how?

YES! I feel like the appeal of Space Sims has never really gone away, it’s just that people stopped innovating and pushing the boundaries of what you could do. For me, games are all about immersion into a world. I think that’s what the Wing Commander series was best at and that was what I was aiming for when designing Freelancer.

Is that Chris Roberts on the right of the panel?

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