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Here's some more information on Mark Hamill's potential film deal mentioned over the weekend. The Wrap has collected some insight into the process that's been holding up a film adaptation of The Black Pearl, Mark's pet comic book project. Money to advance the movie seems available, but negotiations are still pending on some of the details. Check out the article here.

Considering that Hamill’s writing career encompasses some stories for “The Simpsons” comics, an introduction to a Batman anthology and one major comic miniseries, “The Black Pearl,” the clues made it clear that he’s talking about the latter, five-part story, which he’s said he wants to direct ever since its initial publication in 1996.

The story of “The Black Pearl,” Hamill told the New York Daily News at the time, is "a crime thriller, fairly raw in terms of violence … about tabloid journalism and sensationalism and all the things that thrillers come from."

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