Are You L33t Enough? Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Marcin Piontek seemed pretty excited about this, so I'll let him do the talking.
There is a very interesting article on WINE in Polish edition of September PC WORLD COMPUTER ( WINE is an application which allows to run Windows based applications when using Linux operation system. You may imagine my surprise when I found out that WC Secret Ops was used as a prime example of Windows games that can be played with the use of WINE as a Linux game! Immediately, I typed to find some other info and even a couple of screenshots: Good news for those who prefer Linux! I wonder whether anyone tried to play Kilrathi Saga and WCIV using WINE and Linux? As asks for any information about the games that can be played under Linux, perhaps it is a good opportunity to promote WC games also among the Linux users.
If you know of Wing Commander games that run on alternative Operating Systems with the aid of a Windows or DOS emulator, (i.e. Linux, BeOS,...) be sure to let us know.

Wing Commander DVD Region 2? Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Alvin Ljoså lets us know that the Wing Commander movie will be released in Denmark on October 4. It's still unclear if it will be the Region 2 edition, but if it is, the rest of Europe could follow. Anyone can order the Region 1 disk, but most European DVD players can't play it (without some kind kind of hardware or software modification).

Commodore Blair's Hair Salon Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

After killing billions of Kilrathi and nearly being eaten by a giant bug, Christopher Blair was ready for something new. So what was the logical thing to do? Right, open up a hair salon. I'm not sure what all the art is doing at, but Angelique will give you a Spiral Perm for just $125. Thanks to Delance.

Kershwin Makes Plea to Single Mothers Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Sirrek Engsley reports. Jak Kershwin, the Minister for People in the Interplanetary Congress, has appealed to single mothers to remain firm in adversity. He went on record yesterday as saying 'Statistics prove that single parent families often produce the largest and most varied section of new population, and are responsible for some of the most individualistic and ambitious members of our society. I would plead with all single-parents everywhere to stand fast, and ask all members to cherish this hugely productive and important population group for the resource that it is.'

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