Composer on 30 Years of Wing Commander III (or: It's Tough Getting Oldziey) Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Wing Commander III composer George Odziey has posted a memory on Facebook in honor of the game's 30th anniversary. And if there's one person who deserves to celebrate that milestone it's George--he's remained so active with the fandom and we're expecting the second volume of his orchestral Wing Commander recordings early next year!

Thirty years ago I was living in Austin, TX scratching out a living playing piano gigs, teaching some piano lessons and teaching the jazz band PT at Southwestern University. I happened to bump into sax player/arranger-composer and great guy Paul Baker who told me he'd been hired to score video games for EA/Origin. I was intrigued and thought to myself, "I could do that", having never done it before and barely knowing how to use a computer. Paul graciously accepted a demo cassette tape that I threw together and submitted it to Chris Roberts' development team at Origin who just happened to be looking for a composer for Wing Commander 3. A week later I got a call and was hired to score this huge title, not knowing that it also required hours of music for movies (cutscenes), which I also hadn't done before. Baptism by fire! They hired me in February of '94 and the game shipped right after Thanksgiving with about 4 hours of music!

That opportunity basically created a brand new career for me as a game, and ultimately film composer and orchestrator. I can't say enough about how blessed I feel that after 30 years of working in games and film and utltimately joining the faculty at Berklee College of Music I can now look back at that time so fondly, working with such incredible people, and realize we created something truly special.

Ten years ago I got to finally record much of that music with an orchestra and choir in Bratislava (see the video) the way I'd originally imagined it. I just wrapped a similar process in Budapest (orchestra) and Salt Lake City (choir) for volume 2, which will be mixed by the lengendary Bruce Botnick.

Life is good!!
One of George's many well-wishers was none other than George "Fat Man" Sanger. Origin had a thing for hiring Georges to orchestrate Wing Commander games!
That's beautiful, George! One way or another, everything works out, doesn't it? Keep on thriving my man– – you've earned it!

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