Testing WC1 on Classic Hardware with SetMul Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

PhilsComputerLab has a new video on a program that slows down older machines. As early as 66 MHz started to come on the market, fans had to use programs like moslo to get the original Wing Commander smoothly playable. This presented an issue whereby a system powerful enough to run WC3/4 was too powerful to run WC1. In comes the 'setmul' app that specifically works with higher speed original Pentiums for some very granular adjustment. Wing Commander fans are able to do some amazing things today thanks to utilities like DOSBox that emulate DOS environments, but sometimes it's nice to get things going on the original '90s hardware. This could be useful for classic hardware collectors that don't have space for multiple machines tailored to each game. You can find also Phil's videos on tweaking GOG WC1-3 and Privateer here and here.
PhilsComputerLab had an interesting video today on how you can take a Pentium 233 MMX machine and run a utility to make it behave like a 386, 486, and of course native Pentium... he was able to get it slow enough to play Wing Commander and the speed seems perfectly fine (the last half of the video is just him playing WC on the 233 MMX machine. He's using a utility called setmul to achieve this... there is a catch though, to achieve the widest diversity of machine speeds, you need to have an MMX machine as setmul has some special MMX related commands that slow the machine down even more and a finer level of control.
Thanks to MusicGuru for the tip!

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