COMBAT ALERT: George Oldziey Live Q&A Tomorrow Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Wing Commander composer George Oldziey will be holding a live Q&A tomorrow in support of his Wing Commander Orchestral Recording Volume 2 Kickstarter. We'll be joining in to help get your questions answered (and some of ours!) Here are the details, straight from the main himself:

Greetings everyone! With a little over a week to go we've passed the $14K mark. Unfortunately this leaves quite a challenge in the remaining week to meet our goal. I'm very grateful to all of you who have supported the project already! I hope you can find some long lost friends whom you could persuade to help us out! :)

With that in mind, my team and I are planning to set up a live stream on Facebook for tomorrow at noon CDT (Central USA). We are trying to work out the tech details to have all four of us from different parts of the country online at the same time to answer questions and talk about all things WC. I'll give you all an update later today to either confirm or deny the live stream!

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