Two Weeks To Go! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

We're now just two weeks away from the CIC's 13th Birthday! We hope to see you in #Wingnut on August 10 to celebrate. Newcomers can use the easy Java app and plan to stop by at 7:00 PM Eastern US (a Wednesday night, 4:00 pm Pacific and 11:00 pm GMT). As usual, there will be big reveals, trivia games and prizes for the duration of the event. Hopefully you're getting excited!

We've even already started writing the front page text, because...

Taking the Party IRL Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

...we'll be in Texas for the birthday this year! Team CIC is packing up in a week or so to head down and celebrate in person on August 10, for the first time. All the details aren't set yet, but if you happen to be in the local Austin area, hit the Discuss link and let us know. Our virtual fans shouldn't worry, the crew will be online from wherever we are due to the marvels of modern technology. We can't wait!

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