Wing Commander Thrustmaster Profiles Posted Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Dundradal found some useful files over at Nightsolo's website. He's built complete profiles for the Thrustmaster FLCS joystick for each of the main Wing Commander games and Privateer 2. If you've got one of these sticks sitting around and aren't playing because you don't want to map everything, here's your shortcut! Grab each of the profiles here and hit the flight deck. More detailed instructions are available at the site.
For those of you with the old Thrustmaster F-16 FLCS stick and/or WCS Mark II throttle, you know how programing these beasts can be a pain in the ass (not to mention time-consuming). So I have decided to make my files available to you. Enjoy. To use the definition files, unzip them to your 'b50progs' directory.

Happy Fourth! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Happy 4th of July to Wingnuts in the United States today, and to everyone else: happy Monday! Here's your fireworks!

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