Privateer 3 in Print Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Last week, we posted some amazing Privateer 3 artwork from developer Ruben Garza's online portfolio. Mr. Garza's resume revealed one moer interesting fact: a piece of his Privateer 3 work appeared in "Spectrum 6", part of an art book series which collects a variety of sci-fi and fantasy artwork. We ordered a copy from Amazon and discovered the image scanned below--it belongs in a museum!

Spectrum 6 was published in 1999 and is currently out of print, but as luck would have it there will be a softcover reprint released in September! It's a neat chance to own a part of Privateer 3.

client: Origin
title: Privateer--Black Star
medium: Digital
size: 17"x11"

Upcoming WC Movie Showtimes in France Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Wing Commander Movie is doing a tour of duty in France this month. This times pretty well with the recent French DVD rerelease with localized audio. It will be airing on Le Nouvel Observateur this Friday afternoon and several other times in the coming weeks. Check out the play schedule here. Also watch a cool French dub of the movie's trailer here.
Le sujet

En 2654, un vaillant guerrier intègre une force d'intervention spatiale qui s'oppose à une monstrueuse invasion perpétrée par des extraterrestres belliqueux.

Au XXVIIe siècle, la Terre entre en guerre contre le puissant empire Kilrathi, qui ambitionne de l'annexer et de la soumettre, comme le reste de l'univers. A l'issue d'une attaque-surprise, les créatures de Kilrathi, au physique proche de celui des humains, prennent le contrôle du système central de navigation. Les envahisseurs disposent désormais de voies d'accès directes à la planète bleue. Plus rien ni personne ne semble pouvoir freiner leur progression. Personne, sauf peut-être le lieutenant Christopher Blair et ses deux compagnons, le pilote Maniac et l'aventurier Paladin. Sous les ordres de leur «Wing Commander», la superbe Devereaux, il partent à l'assaut de l'empire Kilrathi...

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