Space Sim Still Look: Elite IV Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Fred was kind enough to email us news that Elite IV is (finally) on the way, according to an interview posted at Develop. Series creator David Braben says that the technology behind the game is almost finished - meaning that world building can begin in earnest. There's no need to reference Wing Commander on this one - Elite is the grandfather of all space sims, preceding Wing Commander (and more importantly, Privateer) by many years.

Making the Games: Kilrathi in Action Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

This is the eleventh set of Feng Zhu "concept" ships, commissioned for an unspecified Wing Commander title following the release of Secret Ops. This is the third and final 'action' set, showing what four different Kilrathi designs could look like in an actual game. From left to right: a cruiser, a fighter, a freighter and a 'multirole' design.

Thanks to Captain Johnny for both archiving and providing this material!

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