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Heart of the Tiger is back!... with his unique form of fan art. Some of his past hits include... uh, this, this, this, this and of course... this. Oh, and this. And that's that. He says:
I decided to move away from the usual Peanuts skits for now.

Vampires: This fighter, while powerful, was just too darned manueverable. I know I'm not the only one who overshot and over-compensated everytime I had to target something. First time I ever had to take Dramamine just to play a game. ('No-doze', but that was during my FF_VII craze <G>)

The Ebay Skit: Eh, happens more often then people think. *LOL*

Star*Soldier Gloss: Page 55 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

This is the Star*Soldier gloss for the second weapons page:

CONCEPT: See the previous post!


  • The missile graphics are also all from the original Privateer's source models. The ones that aren't familiar are ones that were cut from the game - the torpedo model was an antimatter torpedo and the "Vampire Missile" was originally the "EMP Missile".
  • "Terran Standard" - I think End Run actually says the language of the fleet is English...
  • "Dragonfly Technology" - Another reminder that there are massed-missile technologies in Wing Commander.
  • Missile specifications are from earlier games. Costs are from Privateer.
  • "Rarest high tech weapons" - Because almost no one knows what a Vampire missile is.
  • "Oldest targeting missile" - References the Victory Streak description about Heat Seekers being invented in the 1950s.
  • "Killing blow to any fighter" - I included this because in Arena your torpedoes are giant slow dumbfires for hitting other pilots.

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