This past week saw the release of LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2, Nintendo DS, Sony PSP and PC (whew). Sounds like fun -- but it's about as far as you can get from Wing Commander, right? Wrong! In fact, LEGO Indy was developed by a team at Embryonic Studios which included Wing Commander and Privateer veterans like Erin Roberts and Paul Hughes! So, if you've been looking for an excuse to pick the game up...
The Component Manager Meeting agenda for October is a lot happier than the last one! It's full of amusing notes: "Saw Academy cartoon. Why aren't our chaff pods cool like the ones on the cartoon? Why aren't our engine fires cool like the ones on the cartoon?" And Sean Murphy is giving a 3D class! Cool! And just what is the Shrike's joke?
Another interesting note is this: "The QA guys are coming up with a list of 'What is needed to make this an Origin game?' for Alex Carloss, who now is the only person that can approve the Origin name WORLDWIDE. This is a good thing. Now to give someone responsibility for the Wing Commander name." How did this ultimately play out? It's since been claimed that the actual Privateer 2 team never received these change requirements...
Game Design Document
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Date: October 11, 1996
Project: Wing Commander Prophecy
Donated By: Billy Cain
Pages: 8
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