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In a recent update we dredged up a pack of Wing Commander logos made by WildCat years ago. Well, apparently he still reads the news and has now gone through the trouble of making a new logo set! He says:

I'm still an almost daily reader of the CIC so was pleased to see my old logos resurface. Unfortunately I was pretty shocked at how bad they are. I did them using the spray paint tool so they're far from high quality. I've put together another logo pack, this time not including the second Border World logo. They're in Paint Shop Pro format so anyone can download a trial copy and change the colours as they're vector images. Hopefully someone will find them useful.
Pretty cool - and useful! Download the whole kit here (1.1 MB, .ZIP).

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CVG is running a four part article revealing the "101 best" PC games of all time from 'Blood' to... who knows? Part 3 gives a nod to Wing Commander IV, in 29th place:
YEAR 1995: Beyond the orgy of million-dollar FMVs (this time abandoning blue screen for real sets) and the dumb thrill of having Luke Skywalker play your hero, WC4 offered high-impact space battles, the likes of which are curiously uncommon in this day and age. Come back soon, Wing Commander. Please!
Please indeed! So where are the other Wing Commander games? In the forthcoming top 25 list, one assumes.

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