Walmart Distributing Wing Commander Online Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Walmart has joined Amazon and IGN in offering movie downloads via the internet. After Wing Commander's success at the other two sites, it's no surprise to see the WC Movie again here. It appears that Walmart's digital versions are unchanged from previous releases. Like with other services, a download manager is provided to organize your movies, and viewing is limited to a certain number of devices. The price is competitive at $7.50 instead of $10, but the cheapest way to pick up the movie is still on DVD.
Synopsis: Blair, a fighter pilot, joins an interstellar war to fight against the evil Kilrathi who are trying to destroy the Universe.

DragonCon Prices Increase This Week Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

With just a little more than six months remaining until DragonCon 2007, prices for four-day convention passes are due to increase this week. They will remain at $50 until Thursday, February 15. Host hotels began to fill up around March last year, so we'll be formalizing our arrangements soon. Check out the 2006 gallery if you're thinking about joining us this year.

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