It's All Great To Me Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

TCSTigersClaw has taken some pictures of an early Greek magazine preview of Wing Commander III. The interesting thing about these images is that the screenshots used are the very first ones Origin released of Wing Commander III. Look closely for some interesting differences with the finished game -- that triangular Kilrathi starship, for instance, doesn't appear in the game... and the TCS Victory's flight deck textures are completely different. We're working on tracking down the original digital versions of these pictures, and will post them as soon as possible.

Polish'd Till It Shines Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Translating Wing Commander materials is a two way street -- so Lukasz159 was nice enough to create a set of Polish subtitles for the first episode of Wing Commander Academy. I know there are quite a few Polish Wing Commander fans -- hopefully they will enjoy this enough to prompt future translations! You can download the subtitles here, and you can download the episode it applies to, Red and Blue, here.

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