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We still have plenty of bandwidth to spare this month. You can help us by downloading the extended edition of Queeg's popular Heart Of The Tiger Movie Project. This is the new and improved cut that we posted last month. If you missed it the first time, this is a good way to recap the events of WC3 in the span of a few hours.

  • Far better video quality (99% of FMV is captured from the PSX game)
  • Better video quality with ingame missions also
  • All missions reshot and made to be far more interesting and shorter
  • Storyline closer to the book, different scenes used in places
You can download the extended version (2 hours 13 minutes, 850 megs) here. A shorter, smaller version is available here. You need either the XviD codec or the VLC movie player to watch this. We recommend a download manager like GetRight to reliably download something this size, even if you have broadband internet.

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