EA Replay's Early Light Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

GameSpot has posted a hands-on preview of an early build of EA Replay. It seems generally positive, but there's very little mention of Wing Commander:
Some SNES emulation is also present with Ultima VII, Syndicate, and two Wing Commander games. These are pretty faithful versions, but unlike many of the Genesis games on the disc, most of these SNES games were originally PC games that were better on the PC. So you'll be getting the sort-of-crippled console versions of these games instead of the classics you might remember.

...The options and menus are in, however, and you'll be able to save your progress in any game at any time--which should get around some of the password entry hassles found in the original games--and select from either the original 4:3 aspect ratio or a stretched 16:9 view.

Look for some unlockable supplementary goodies to accompany the 14 classics found in Replay. In addition to the games themselves, it appears that the package will include unlockable artwork for many, if not all, of the games in the collection...

They've also posted four "Official Movies," which add up to roughly half an hour of someone playing Road Rage and Syndicate. You can find those here.

GameTap Launches Command & Conquer; Resurrecting Multiplayer Myst Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

GameTap has added a new trio of EA games to its library. Sid Meier's Gettysburg!, the original Command & Conquer and C&C Red Alert are now available to play. For those who were worried that Wing Commander Privateer's addition to the service might have been cancelled, don't despair. Both Privateer and Red Alert were announced at the same time near the beginning of this year. In related news, Gamespot is reporting that multiplayer Myst Uru is being brought back to life via GameTap. The game's dedicated fan base is cited as one of the main reasons that the series is being resurrected. New content will even be added over time, so fans that once thought their favorite series were gone have new reasons to be excited.
That Uru Live has life at all is probably surprising to some. The game had a strong fan base before it was shut down during beta on February 9, 2004 due to a lack of financial resources. Left with no official place to play the game, many players stayed together in an unsupported freeware version of the game called Until Uru, made available by its developer, Cyan Worlds.

Big game companies like Electronic Arts and Activision should take note: Communities of gamers increasingly say they won't let their favorites go quietly into the night, and small companies like GameTap are trying hard to tie into that fandom ...

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