Modders Experiment With Flight Commander Cockpits Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Venom has been playing around with Flight Commander and has started to implement alternate cockpits in flight. The first two shots below are some of his preliminary designs, and they are based on Ferret and Epee dashboards. The third shot features an alternate HUD designed by FC creator eddieb. Additions such as these add great atmosphere to the game and can really enhance the experience when they're well done. Fans who are actively involved in Flight Commander modding might also want to pick up the minor 1.3.3b patch. It all sounds quite complicated to me, but the Flight Commander Forum is the place for aspiring modders to find help and start experimenting. Several promising fan campaigns are currently in the works.

Time For Tamayoan Fire Wine Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Looking for something fun to do this weekend? Tired of the usual thing at your favorite watering hole? Maybe it's time to start experimenting with Wing Commander Drinks. LOAF's famous beverage collection features everything from theWater in the Freedom Flight novel to Uncle Kashumai's Bowel Loosener from Privateer 2. If you think you can come up with a neat recipe for a Rostov Hairball (WC1), Kumquat Opi-Ola (P2) or Arakh Tea (VS), let us know, and we might try to reproduce it at our annual fan gathering this summer. I've always wanted to see what a Cobalt Blue would be like.

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