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Good. Now, some of these newbees rattle on about 'what if this happens', 'what if that happens'. This is the Love Arrow, I tell them: make good use of it.

Happy V-Day, WingNuts -- not to be confused with VK Day, when you're more likely to get lucky in the first place. Hey, look, the Love Arrow beats now!

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... and what better way to fill up the lonely void in your trip than making plans to hang out with Wing Commander fans at Dragon*Con 2006 this Labor Day weekend?

You have just one more day to lock in tickets at the cheaper price -- they go from $50 to $60 on Thursday (2/16). This year the convention is expanding to a third hotel, making more space for the gaming room, the art gallery and the dealers room.

The CIC gang will also be using this year as an opportunity to Wing Commander it up at the all new Georgia Aquarium -- just like that 'squadron trip' Hunter wanted to take in Freedom Flight. It's the largest aquarium in the world and it features two whale sharks! Amazing. Be there for all the Nephilim warship jokes we're sure to make.

So, make your travel plans, get those tickets fast and let us know you'll be there!

ChrisReid: LOAF!

LOAF: All you biatches who be all up on my Wing Commander II timeline picked tha wrong day ta mess wit da L-man, yo. Word to yo proper placement of End Run at least one year previous to Fleet Action to allow for various references to Melek's exile and Bondarevsky's time spent at the Academy.

LOAF: Since we loved it so much, we decided to Marriott.

ChrisReid: Some panels we tried to attend after dinner were filled to capacity, so we played video games in the lobby instead. Don't we look cool? Some dork came up and made fun of us for Pictochatting, but he didn't even have a DS.

LOAF: I'm coming for you, Red!

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