Not Some Churned Out Fiction Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Forums member Plywood Fiend has posted the first of a series of offbeat Wing Commander stories to our Fan Fiction board. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but we think that's the point.
The Kilrathi Emperor’s reasons for fearing ‘contamination’ from humanity were not solely born out of blind prejudice as many have come to believe. They instead stemmed from one shattered window, a broken leg and eight eights worth of coins in property damage and medical bills.

This all started when an underground movement of Terran slaves on Kilrah sought to resist Kilrathi oppression by setting up a bowling club. They were basically too unenthused to attempt any sort of escape, however they believed that by partaking in this game they could retain some of their humanity.

So for two months, a handful of slaves would meet in the dead of night and try and knock over crude pins, constructed out of dried mud, with the closest thing to a ball which was available, a human skull.

You can see where Disruptive Influence, Chapter 1 of the Churnah Tales, continues here.

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