Shocking WC Saga Images Revealed Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

A new update to the WC Saga site has added pictures of the latest visual effect in the mod: advanced shock waves. The newest member of the game's development team, DaBrain, has been able to implement realistic three dimensional shock waves in the Freespace 2 engine. It looks like they brighten things up quite well. One of the old style waves is pictured in orange. You can find more of their screenshots in the Saga site's media section here.

The main Freespace community forums at HLP are down for maintenance right now, but WC Saga has a secondary forum at here.

Everything's On Its Way Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The last of the the CIC Birthday Party Prizes made it into the mail at the very end of October. Packages were sent out steadily over the last couple months, and everything we received addresses for should have arrived by now. There are a few addresses I'm still missing, and it's possible that certain countries are still holding a few items in customs inspections for a little while longer. The list of winners is available here if you're not sure if you've won something.

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