Striker's Raptors Defend The Falcon Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Major Striker has put together a new animation that's a compilation that combines several of his recent works. The animation features an attack on a Bengal Class Carrier and some dogfighting between some Dralthi and Raptors. The three and a half minute scene comes in at 30 megs and you'll probably need DivX. The file is available here or here.
It's just a little skirmish involving my untextured retrofitted Bengal model and my newly revamped Raptor models.
It's a little bit dark here and there, so turn up your brightness if the shadows are too heavy in parts.

Space Suits Can Be Sexy Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

While searching for someone with the same fetish as himself, Delance stumbled across this website featuring women in space suits from various films and TV shows. It seems that to qualify the women have to be wearing a huge helmet, and Angel (Saffron Burrows) from the WC movie qualifies in her marine armor. I dread to think what the site's owner gets up to with his Angel action figure. The site seems oddly popular and occasionally cuts out when bandwidth is exceeded.

It's Not A Jailbreak Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

LOAF reactivated a number of banned accounts this morning. Hopefully this goodwill can help a few projects get back to business. Record levels of new members have filled the forums this month. Now's a great time for people to join in the discussions.

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