Updates On Official Wing Commander Music Reorchestration Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

LeHah has done some digging and come up with two updates on the various official Wing Commander music projects in the works. The Team Fat Reorchestrated Wing Commander Album is still under production. Here's what Linda Law had to say.
We are working on the orchestrations. We're about a month behind where I thought we'd be by now, but we _are_ making progress.
You can download a tiny sample of what this album will feature here. The Fatman and Team Fat were responsible for the early WC1-2 era Wing Commander tracks. George Oldziey took over during the WC3-Prophecy timeframe, and he is also working on some updates for his website.
I've been swamped working on a new game project, which is described on my web site. When that's done I'll do my best to get some [Wing Commander] reorchestrations up on the site. Thanks for your interest
George Sanger from Team Fat is on the left and George Oldziey is on the right. Both teams are universally hailed as having added a tremendous amount to Wing Commander's atmosphere, so I'm quite excited to see what new stuff they'll bring us.

David Arnold History Updated Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

LeHah also noticed the upgrade at Wing Commander Movie soundtrack composer David Arnold's website. You'll need Flash to view the menu structure. Some people might have to try a different browser if it doesn't come right up. Click on the History area and scroll over to 1999 to see the blurb on Wing Commander.

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