Behemoth Model In Drydock Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Fatcat has teased us with the first image of his upcoming Behemoth model. He is currently working on the gun ends and engine housings. The design will be made mostly out of wood with a smooth fiberglass finish.

Trivia Reminder Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Trivia Week 4 will be out tomorrow, so get your Week 3 answers in tonight! You can find the old questions and submit them in our Trivia area here. There will be just two more weeks in our summer trivia game!

Holding The Line Chapter 187 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Raptor has sent us the latest chapter in the HTL series, but this time from a different email address. I hope he can still read the fanmail sent to his usual address since that's what I've linked. Anyway, here is the man himself:
Hey all, Raptor here

As you saw in the last chapter, the final battle of the long and bloody campaign to hold the line is beginning in earnest. Battlegroups Rapier, Auriga and Aurora have joined forces to hit the incoming Nephilim fleet hard, launching a combined strike at an enemy dreadnaught and her escorts. As before, this chapter is brought to you by the teamwork of Joe "Wraith" Guida, the Auriga writing team, and Shaun Rashid of the TCS Endeavour. Please send any and all comments to Joe at, and he'll pass them along to his fellow writers.

The story is at:

Best, Raptor

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