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TheBlackWolf has posted a trailer for the Macross: Do You Remember Love? mod for Wing Commander Secret Ops. You can download the trailer here (45.3 megs). Word from the Forums is that it "looks good"! So go... watch... whatever they do in Macross. Fight robots or giants or snakes or something. At least one thing is certain - it's not exactly the same thing as Robotech. (In all seriousness, this is a great looking mod! Check it out!)

Two Shots of WC Movie Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Too cheap to spend the $4.99 on the Wing Commander DVD at Walmart? Well don't worry, we have a solution! The Sci Fi Channel will be airing Chris Roberts opus twice in the next month! You can catch it at 8:00 PM EST on November 26th (Wednesday) or at 12:30 PM on December 6th (Saturday)... or, why not watch both?! It's not like you had anything better to do!

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