Fan {Variable} of the Year Nominations! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

It's that time of year once again (November 4th) -- when you get to nominate your favorite fans for the honors of Wing Commander Web Site of the Year and the Fan Project of the Year! Do you stand up for StandOff? Are your sights centered on that WingCenter site? Let us know today! In two weeks we'll ask everyone to choose their favorites from those nominated - so the only way to be sure your favorite is listed is to e-mail us now!

The nominated site and/or project (you may choose one in each category) must have been active within the past three months (ie, you can't vote for the TCU or that 'Marine Corps' mod). Past winners may be viewed in our archives: 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002.

Winner receives a coveted 'winner' graphic. Runners up will be shot at (with a slightly less impressive graphic).

Don't delay - send your nominations here today!

It's Academic! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

It's time for another round of Wing Commander Academy episodes. Now available (below) are episodes 12 and 13 in DivX 3.11 format (~65 megs each). This fantastic two-parter concluded the Academy series way back in 1996. Boy, that was a great year for Wing Commander. Now, I don't want to spoil anything, but both episodes prominently feature pink girl Kilrathi. Enjoy!

Edit: Links should work now.

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