Isn't That The Guy From Star Wars? Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

CNN.Com is running a short biography of Mark Hamill titled "Not Just That Luke Guy From 'Star Wars'", as part of the promotion for Hamill's new Broadway play "Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks". In a rare exception to the Star Wars focused rule, the article goes on to mention the most important part of Hamill's career:
On TV, he made appearances on shows like "V.I.P.," "Amazing Stories" and "SeaQuest DSV." He hosted CNBC's magazine-style show ".COM" and developed "Wing Commander" CD-ROM games. He also lent his voice to hundreds of TV cartoons, specializing in villains like The Joker on various "Batman" series and The Hobgoblin on "Spider-Man."

MIDI'l of the Road Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Wedge009 has extracted a set of MIDIs straight from Wing Commander III. You can download the set here. Here's his explanation:
I know there is already a ZIP of WC3 MIDIs in your files archive, but none of those files are named. After digging through the WC3 TREs, I found the MIDIs, so I've put together my own collection, similar to one put together by someone else for the Privateer MIDIs.

All the MIDIs were cleanly extracted by myself, using HCl's TRE Manager as well as Ripper 5, and converted using Winamp (give credit where it is due). As far as I know, they are General MIDI format, and I have also added RIFF tags. Perhaps others might find it useful, I think it would be a good idea to add this to your archives - I have spent much time checking where each tune plays in WC3.

I'm no MIDI expert, but I believe Wing Commander III's MIDI files may actually be GS MIDIs (like those from Privateer and Armada). Does anyone know for sure?

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