First New Fleet Action Shot In A While Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

NewCommanderOnDaBlock has published a few new shots with a Ralatha model for Fleet Action, the Homeworld Wing Commander mod. It's been a little while since we've seen anything new for this one, so some activity is welcome.

You can find more informatio on Fleet Action here. In the second shot the Ralatha is behind and left of the Fralthi.

I Reckon It's A Galaxy Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Stannum has published phots of his Galaxy model for the upcoming Freelancing The Reckoning Wing Commander mod. Apparently he's got even sharper versions of the Dralthi, Paradigm and others in the works. A few days ago we posted some other great Privateer shots from Vega Strike. Lots of beautiful ships this week. You can find his original posting at WingCenter here. Bob has also set up a Reckoning forum at Crius here.

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