DragonCon Redux Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Since we've gotten a lot of questions about our offer to advertise fan projects at our DragonCon booth, I'm posting this more specific article...

Any Wing Commander fan project, club, web site, etc. may send us a single-page advertisement to be distributed at our DC table. Further, since we're partnered with the Origin Museum on this adventure, any such project that is Origin related will be accepted.

The advertisements will be in black & white, on the color paper of your choosing. It doesn't cost money -- we're doing this to promote Wing Commander. Advertisements shouldn't be obscene, and we reserve the right to correct spelling errors.

All sheets must be sent to loaf@wcnews.com by Friday so they can be reproduced in time for DragonCon (held on Labor Day weekend).

We'll post copies of everybody's material here, as well as pictures and reports from DC! Have fun with this!

From: CIS Headquarters, Special Ops. Div. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The CIS command seeks highly qualified, disciplined pilots to conduct a reconnaissance mission on a civilian convoy at Nav Point 149. Intercept and identify the convoy suspected of transporting contraband items. Due to the extremely unstable nature of the warring factions it is imperative that you destroy any ships carrying weapons and confiscate the cargo.

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