Deadly Messengers Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Well... here's a scary picture from a game called Deadly Messengers (pointed out by the Chat Zone's gryphon) -- is that not a Hellcat V class medium fighter? Interestingly, this site claims that the game is from 1995 (they had C64 games in 1995?)... the soup thickens; which came first, the Hellcat or the egg?

From: CIS Special Div. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

We have ourselves a major problem.

The crew of the CIS Kaitlin have mutinied and jumped ship. Although the mutineers have not yet been located (believe me, they will be) the Kaitlin has. She is now stranded at Nav point 120.

Two CIS Cruisers have been posted to oversee the recovery operation. However, no CIS fighter units are available at this time to help. We require a mercenary to help defend the carrier while the recovery units make their way to the Kaitlin. Let us stress that the Kaitlin is a very valuable piece of military hardware which must not fall into enemy hands.

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