Trivia 3, Week 27 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Today's trivia is two meters longer than a Proxima Spaceworks' Errant class merchantman!

Welcome to Game Three, Week Twenty-Seven Trivia. We play each week. Every Monday two main questions and one bonus question are posted to and listed at the CIC. Please email answers to or Be sure to include a name you would like to be known under for the Scoreboard that will be up soon. Have your answers in before this coming Sunday (May 6, 2001) to ensure your answers are recorded. Answers submitted early may be returned and you may be able to fix incorrect answers, time permitting. Main questions answered correctly are good for 5 points, bonuses good for 3.

Also feel free to try our new auto trivia submission device that Kris cooked up for us at trivia.shtml

Answers to Questions for Week 26 (starting April 16, 2001):

Question 51: Who is Vukar nar Caxki?
Answer: Admiral Vukar nar Caxki was commander of the Superdreadnought Shak'Ar'Roc fleet that darted all through Terran space on Pilgrim related crusades in '54.

Question 52: Who is Ukar dai Ragark lak Haka?
Answer: Ukar dai Ragark, was the governor of Hralgkrak. He tried to incite some serious aggressive activity involving the Confederation and post-war Kilrathi Empire.

Bonus 26: Who is Mr. Kat?
Answer: Who *isn't* Mr. Kat?

New Questions for Week 27 (starting April 23, 2001):

Question 53: What is a Kilrathi capital ship or pilot that crash landed on a moon or planet?

Question 54: What is a Terran capital ship or pilot that crash landed on a moon or planet?

Bonus 27: What is a starbase or orbital structure that crash landed on a moon or planet?

Submissions are due by May 6, 2001.

Please email answers to and do not post directly to the Newsgroup. Thanks.

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