Makes You Wonder What the Execs Are Thinking.. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

GameCenter has done a few of these it seems, but recently there was a new feature on games that should have done better. A number of Electronic Arts/Origin games are the subject because of poor marketing, quality assurance and the like. They have a place to sound off as well that already has some commentary on the companies. The article doesn't make me think of the WC games we know and love, because for the most part those got better fates than some of the ones mentioned. But the ones that we didn't get to know or were in the very earliest beginning stages might warrant a Gamespot Graveyard feature someday. Anyhow, you can find this one here. It's a pretty interesting read that touches on some of the industry problems that we've come to know.

Is This A Historic Day? Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

I've debated whether or not it's appropriate to mention Napster. Did you know they were projecting seventy million users within a year or some such like that? A quick scan of the servers right now brings up some WCM Soundtrack songs (which are really worth buying) and the Wing Commander 3 end credits music. In a few months the scene will be back up and more anyhow. I've already seen the entire Wing Commander movie available on Gnutella in mpeg format. It was a gig or two. It'll be interesting to see where that kind of thing goes. I'm not going anywhere with this though, so have a nice day.

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