Homeworld Mod Progress Report Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Eric "Striker" Cook sent us the following report on the status of the Fleet Action project:
The Fleet Action Modification Team has just released five new Wing Commander fighters for use in the game Homeworld. This new release coincides with an address change for the projects official site. The new Fleet Action site can be found at http://www.strategyplanet.com/homeworld/fleetaction/. The list of already completed ships includes the following. Newly released ships indicated with a (+):

Darket (+)
Sorthak (+)
Paktahn (+)

Arrow (+)
Broadsword (+)
They're planning to work on replacing the game's motherships with the Perry Naval Base from Privateer, and the WC3 Kilrathi Dreadnought. Other conversions in progress include the WC2 Concordia and the Kilrathi Hakaga.

Not Enough Wing Commander Fans To Warrant A Contest Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

That's the reply Death got when he asked the Mindprobe people about the possibility of a Wing Commander focused trivia. As you may know, Of the seventy questions for Wednesday's Battlestar Galactica / Wing Commander contest, only sixteen were about Wing Commander. And they required only basic knowledge. They went on to say that another trivia with Wing Commander questions is not likely to happen this year, but they are open to other suggestions.

It's Easier For A Rich Man To Get Into Heaven... Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

than a bad man to win lots of cash, according to Finley Buscombe. Don't you just hate it when a lottery winner is revealed to be a murderous pirate, convicted conman or just plain old dangerous psychopath? Apparently, so do the Blessed Do-Gooders of Milton, a fringe religious sect who abhor the committing of any sin [of which there are potentially 1.3 billion in everyday life, according to their sacred texts]. The Blessed Do-Gooders have thus devised the Touched by the Hand of the Lord Lottery, which is exactly the same as every other Lottery, except you have to be deemed spiritually pure by at least three cult elders before you can participate. The prize fund currently stands at 27.5 credits.

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