New Forum Not Just For Chatting Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

It's come to our attention that there are still quite a few people out there who want to complete their set of the Wing Commander Customizable Card Game. Rather than set up a traditional trading post section, we're going to be utilizing our Chat Zone for that job. There's now a Trading Forum where people can maintain threads about what cards they need or have to offer. New cards can be hard to find and are often pricey, so hopefully this is a help. You can find the CCG Trading Forum here.

Bex Authorities Crack Down on Corporate Expansion Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Environmental observer Hilton Tavares reports. Bexian government officials yesterday released an edict which clearly stated that no more planning permission will be granted for corporate headquarters. In recent months, several companies have been trying to relocate to the planet, which is without doubt the most picturesque in all three systems. Government spokeman Felton Binkley said yesterday, "We're a simple people, who make the most of our fresh air and fine climate. The last thing we want is a load of company hotshots muscling in and turning the planet into an industrial park."

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