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For starters today we've got a mini faq up to help make communication more efficent. We get quite a few of the same questions emailed in each week so Kris updated our contact link with a few of the most frequently asked ones. If you have something beyond the faq, feel free to drop us a line however. You can reach us here. And while I'm at it, Trivia should be updated this evening. I'll accept old answers up through then.

Poll Shows Pop Drop After Enforcement Bill Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Trend analyst Jiles Gretner reports. A recent pan-system poll has shown a significant loss of faith in the Interplanetary Congress, and an electoral referendum may be in the offering. The drop is attributed to the recent System Enforcement Bill, which was declaimed by liberals everywhere as a gross infringement of personal liberty. The Bill gave the CIS much further-reaching powers of investigation, arrest and weapons-use; sold to the populace as the only solution to rampant crime, it was not long before the man-in-the-street realised the very profound effect it had on everyday life. The 'Kill the Bill' party has pledged it will reverse the Bill if elected.

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