Wing Commander Der Preis der Freiheit Released Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

What appears to be the German translation of "The Price of Freedom" has been released in Germany by Bastei Luebbe. There have been questions raised about which story is actually told in this novel. For example, the number of pages reported would seem to indicate this is False Colors. But we'll now know soon enough. Been a while since we've reported about a brand new shiny Wing Commander product hitting the shelves, so this is nice (does KS WC1 included with PC Gamer count?). The ISBN number is 3404232267 and you can find the listing here. Thanks to Markus Steinkamp who has been following the German novel translations for quite some time.

But that's not all! Bastei Luebbe has announced that it will also be publishing Die Bedrohung (Action Stations I would guess). It should be out this year. The half-dozen German novels released so far would sure make great collectors' items..

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