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A few people have reported about the cover discs of the July PC Gamer being defective. Apparently a number had manufacturing problems. I'd recommend going to the Support Shelter if you're having trouble accessing the disc. On a related note, yes, the Canadian version of the magazine includes the disc as well. TC got me a copy of the cover too.

With a cover like that it'd be kinda bad if Canada didn't get the disc..

Starlancer Ladder Tournament This Summer Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Daniel Schwager told us that Lancer Games is sponsoring a Starlancer tournament later this summer. It sounds kinda interesting, I might give it a try. Here's what he had to say.
My name is Daniel Schwager and I run the Lancer Games Network. We are currently sponsoring a Star Lancer Ladder Competition. Registration runs until July 4, 2000 so everyone will have 1 month to register. Once that happens, Lancer Games will begin the competition. Players will enter in a general match for the first round, then after round 1, they will be placed in either Ladder 1 or Ladder 2, depending on where they placed in their battle. Ladder 1, first place, prize is a $50 dollar gift certificate to Electronic Boutique. Ladder 2, which is the second place bracket. Once players enter their respective bracket, should they be defeated in either placing, that is it, they are out of the tournament totally.

Any and all questions should be directed to Jamie Wilkinson by emailing him at JWilkinson@blance.com

The rules page can be found here and the registration page is located here.

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