In Search of a German Magazine Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The CIC is currently in search of a number of copies of the February 2000 issue of PC Games, a German magazine that did a little feature that mentioned us. If you have any questions or would be able to find one or more copies (or know of a way for us to order online), we'd appreciate it if you let us know. Even a scan of the "unmissable internet sites" section would be great. Below is a picture of what we think the cover looks like. Thanks

Slight Swiss Release Date Clarification Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Reaper let us know that the upcoming February 25 Swiss release of the movie is for the German speaking part of Switzerland. He explained to us that Switzerland is divided into three regions, Suisse Romande (French speaking), Suisse Allémanique (German dialect speaking) and SuisseItalienne (Italian speaking). The movie came out in the French portion back in June 1999. And this has been today's geography lesson.

Just a Little Heads Up Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

We anticipate hopping web servers within the next couple or three days here. In the best case scenario nobody will notice a thing, and we're currently working to make the transition go virtually unnoticed. But just in case there's a brief disruption in service, we'll be back as soon as possible.

Candid's Camera Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Film critic Shame Tone reports. Last night I was treated to a preview of Filbert Candid's latest addition to his 'Kino-Neu' oevre, and a spectacular piece of Vid-u-lite it is too. Called 'One morning I noticed blue stuff was lodged in my abdominal orifice', it strongly challeneges all our precepts of the Vidflik's modus operandi. For a start, it commences with the end credits rolling in reverse down the screen, so that we are privy to the identity of the Grips, Best Persons and Loafers before we know who the stars are, an exception that is dashed when we discover that these people are the stars of the piece. I was so overcome with admiration I swooned, and intend to complete my viewing this evening.

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