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I've just received a copy of the Wing Commander Movie Style Guide -- it's essentially a collection of sketches and information sent to people producing Wing Commander merchandise. I'll hopefully be putting up a bit of it each day... but for now, here is a PAINFUL plot description.

40 Kilrathi Capital Star Cruisers attack and destroy a peacefull small planet. The Confederation realizes that their scurity has been breached and the Kilrathi have gained access to top secret information - information that will allow the Kilrathi, within the next 40 hours, to hyper-jump to near Earth and destroy it. A small merchant space craft, captained by PALADIN, shuttling two young Confederation pilots (BLAIR and MANIAC) is the only ship in communications range. They are sent a new mission - take the encoded war plans to the Confed Star Carrier Tiger Claw. The mission - stop the Kilrathi - Earth's very existence is at stake.

Arriving at the Tiger Claw with his 15" holographic friend MERLIN, Blair delivers the secret message, but then confronts his superior officer Wing Commander Jeanette DEVERAUX, and a secret from his past. His father married a Pilgrim, a descendent from the earliest space explorers. Pilgrims are seen as "different" and so is Blair. Meanwhile, Maniac shows off his flying skills in a Rapier space plane in order to impress Rosie FORBES, one of the Tiger Claw's best, and cutest, pilots.

Successfully using a space-time shortcut, the Tiger Claw hyperjumps near the Kilrathi fleet. On a reconnaissance mission in their Rapiers, Devereaux and Blair are discovered by six Kilrathi fighters. They manage to destroy two of them but give away their presence, and the presence of the Tiger Claw. To protect the Tiger Claw and slow down the Kilrathi, Deveraux and Paladin lead a force of Rapiers and Broadsword bombers against the Kilrathi communications ship. The task force is joined by Maniac and Forbes who have become more than close friends.

While they are away, the Tiger Claw comes under attack. Paladin discloses his true identity - Commodore in the Confederation's Naval Intelligence Unit. He orders all planes back to the Tiger Claw. A huge battle against Kilrathi Dralthi and Kraut fighters takes place. Paladin obliterates two Kilrathi destroyers and is saved by Blair (using his tractor beam) from crashing into a small moon. Maniac again shows off for Forbes, but this time tragically gets her killed.

The Tiger Claw is saved, but sustains major damage. Needing repair parts, Paladin leads the Confed marines on a mission to capture and cannabalize a Kilrathi ship. Blair arrives at the Kilrathi ship and, with Merlin as his guide, seeks out the Kilrathi commanders. Blair uses the Pilgrim Cross' secret blade to kill a Kilrathi and learn that there is a spy aboard the Tiger Claw.

The Marines discover the secret coordinates the Kilrathi fleet will use to prepare for their hyper-jump to Earth. Unable to communicate these coodrinates to the Confed Fleet, Blair and Devereaux (who are clearly attracted to each other) sneak past the Kilrathis in order to make the hyper-jump first.

As they depart, a skipper cloaking and decloaking missile heads straight for the Tiger Claw. Devereaux leaves Blair and chases the skipper missile. She succeeds in blowing it up, but her Rapier is badly damaged as she uses her ejection pod.

Before Deveraux can be recovered, more Kilrathi attack the Tiger Claw. A huge Kilrathi Cruiser battles the Tiger Claw as Blair makes the jump to near Earth. Unfortunately, he is closely followed by the Kilrathi ship, the Snakier. The Confed fleet, hiding in ambush behind Pluto, is nearly ready for the invaders. To gain time, Blair tricks the Snakier into following him. Blair veers away from a giant gravitational whirlpool that sucks in the Snakier. The rest of the Kilrathi fleet comes through the jump point one at a time and are gunned down by the Confed fleet.

Paladin reports that he has foudn Deveraux and is bringing her in for medical care. On the Tiger Claw deck Blair, Paladin, Deveraux and Maniac are reunited as Earth is saved, for now.

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