Gamespot Space Sim Poll Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

After try #535 at trying to get a decent multiplayer speed out of Freespace, this time with a cable modem and still failing miserably, Kris noticed over on Gamespot there's a nice little poll which asks you to vote for what you think is the best space-sim and Prophecy is on the list. Somehow Freespace 2 has made it to the top, but that can be fixed right? Go vote!

To His Toy Mistress... Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Somehow, poetry correspondent Toni Cowey got to report on this incident

Behold, for Pleasure Borgs are free.
A-wandering round the galaxy.
Who set them loose I cannot say.
It happened on Hades one day.
These sexy droids are now for sale.
And moral people loud do weal.

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