Editorial Hits Close to Home Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Mat Bettinson over at UKgamer.co.uk has published an editorial where he discusses what he'd want to be the "Ultimate Elite." "Elite" was a classic game that predated Wing Commander and featured Privateer-style gameplay. It's a long article, so you can find his conclusion below. If you'd like to read it for yourself you can find the editorial here. Again, many thanks to A Talent For War for reporting this first.
It's about damn time massively multiplayer came to the Sci-Fi genre and what BETTER than the ultimate space opera? Think about it, it's perfectly suited to starting out by yourself, poxy little space ship - 100 credits to your name. In time your entire clan could chip in money and colonise an entire new system! You could charge passes by for services or build enough factories and earn enough money to pay for enough new hardware to launch a full scale war against another band of players. C'mon, that's got to appeal doesn't it? All it needs is vision! EverQuest? Bollocks. Elite Online. You know it makes sense.

New Memorials Section Online Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

We now have a new section dedicated to contributors to the Wing Commander universe who have passed away. You can find it here. If you'd like to add to the memorial, feel free to email us. And if someone has a copy of the old Origin Jason Bernard memorial, please contact us as well.

Last Call for Shirts Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Jibbo reports that all but two XL size CIC Shirts have been sold. If you'd like to purchase one of the remainders, contact him asap. There is a time limit, after September 3 he will be unavailable and all monies will have to have reached him by then. The cost is $20, including shipping. Above, Hadrian and Guilherme de Mesquita pose in their shirts. Self-potraits of other fans who purchased shirts are very welcome.

A Recipe for Disaster Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Lenny J. Kelly feels quite pleased with himself for thinking up such a good headline. Well, it's bad news if you live on Hermes. It seems that the Food Ministry's mainframe went somewhat awet in a recent electrical storm; most files were retrieved, but the program running the Synthi Meat manufacturing plants got rather scrambled. All sorts of strange ingredients have been going into Synthi Meat production - small mammals, gravel and no. 3 lubrication oil, to name a few - and the end product has been thoroughly inedible to say the least: 340 Quality Assurance testers are hospitalised with cronic indigestion. A further 57 weren't quite so lucky and died horrible agonising deaths. Synthi Meat imports are urgently required.

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