There's Something About Seether's Knife Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Lots and lots of people have helped in regard to Seether's Knife. We've reached the conclusion that it is indeed the knife featured in Crusade and that it is called the Double Shadow. The Double Shadow, from United Cutlery, is no longer in production, but was available in Silver (UC453) and Gold (UC453G). Here's a picture... if you can find somewhere that still sells them, let me know!

Fear and Loathing in England Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Wildshot reports that there's some scary question as to whether or not Wing Commander will be in England. He called two Virgin Cinemas people, one of whom reported that it would definatly be at the Virgin Trocadero -- the other said that it would be released directly to video. Hopefully the UK version of moviephone will be able to confirm that the movie WILL be out on June 25 as soon as today.

PC Gamer Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The July PC Gamer features a goodbye column from Dan Bennett. He reminisces about his time at PCG and mentions visiting the Heart of the Tiger set... anyone have the exact quote?

More from Hollis Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Here's a tidbit on Wing Commander Online from the June issue of Maximum PC, courtesy of Hadrian.

Then there is Andy Hollis, who is leaving the hardcore Jane's sim line to manage the creation of a persistant-world Wing Commander online game, which is still a couple of years from fruition. As Andy said "It's the next big frontier in computer gaming. The last time I was this excited about the future potential for computer games was back in the old days (Commadore 64, Atari 800). Building products in the online space is more about growing player communities than just building the product itself."

Help Peter Telep Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Peter Telep sent me this... I suppose you should drop him a line if you can help.
I'm teaching a class on War in literature. What I need are as many war story concepts as you can think of.

For example:

The rescue of POWs story.

The escape from a POW camp story.

The taking of a location story.

A demolition story, etc. etc.

If you have time, would you mind emailing me a few or posting this somewhere so people can email me as many as they can think of? I need to put together a huge list for my students!

Thanks so much!


A New Club Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Genesis asked that I post some information on a club he's helping start... here goes!

The BlackLance HeadQuarters is now officially taking applications. We are working on getting the RPG setup. We are sending out a call for anyone to join this RPG. We need at least 15 players in a room at the same time before anyone will make a program to help with the RPG. If you are interested you should contact the Personnel Director at We are also done with the Black Lance Patches and lightening bolt pins. This has been the one incentive that you have to join the Black Lance HeadQuarters. Apply now for the Level One Membership. The Black Lance HeadQuarters now has two levels of membership. Level One gets you a BL patch and lightening bolt pin but you must provide your real life address. Level Two is for those who do not want to provide that information. They just want to participate in the RPG. All they need to join is to fill out ALL the RPG character profile information.

Star Light, Star Bright Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Here's Lancer on why Wing Commander was so dark in US theaters...

I thought I might add a comment as to why so many US people commented on how dark the effects were in the film.

this came to light recently when I visited a film SFX house at shepperton studios two weeks ago, they are working on the new Bond film BTW.

anyway, they had done the SFX start for Lost in Space last year and they told me they had to re-render a lighter lit version of the opening ten minute sequence for the US as the original version was playing too dark on US screens.

it played fine on the UK screens they tested it on and couldn't figure out why.

the explanation is actually quite simple once they looked into it.

Projectors can run at varying light intensities. and they have set light hours they are supposed to run between maintenance.

British Projectors in Cinemas are run at full intensity and stick to the schedule for maintenance.

As it turned out a lot of US cinemas intentionally choose to run their projectors at about 75% output light power, giving them longer gaps between maintenance and down time. economic sense but something that plays havoc with film companies. the effects work and shots are mixed and printed on the premise that projectors run at 100% intensity like their supposed to, so when run at 75% intensity like a lot of them are in the US, the film comes out darker than it is supposed to. it probably explains why watching it on DVD is a lot clearer.

I think Wing fans might find that of interest, particularly after the film got heavily criticised for dark effects work by the so-called critics.

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