Happy More Shirt Info Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Hadrian sent me these images of what the t-shirts will look like... as always, contact Jibbo if you'd like to purchase one. There is a deadline for money to arrive if you're ordering a shirt.

Happy Iceland Release! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Admit it, you were wondering what would happen to the Up & Coming counter when it reached one day as much as I was... anyway, Wing Commander is supposedly out in Iceland now. According to NedStats we've had 24 visitors from Iceland. Ever.

Happy D-Day! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

In memory of all of those who served at Normandy over half a century ago... not including Tom Hanks.

Our Daily Bread Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

I am out of here! I'm heading to Austin for orientation tommorrow night, and I'll be gone for the entire week -- the rest of the staff will hopefully cover the daily updates as well as continue doing all the other kickass stuff they take care of.... if you need to contact me, do so immediately, as I fly out tommorrow at 7 pm!

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