Staff Review Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

I saw the movie last night. It is awesome. A few small things I was disappointed with, they took out the traitor subplot. However, that was probably because they had to take out the Kilrathi scenes. In addition, some of the other reviews complain about the FX. The only thing I can think of that would make people say this is the fact that stars do not move much when you pan in space, only when you rotate, they are just too far away. The acting was acceptable, no worse then Return of the Jedi. The music is great, but the theme got on my nerves because its repeated so many times (in different keys and with different dynamics however). To sum up, any true Wing Commander fan will love this.

Trivia Reminder Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Don't forget folks, the deadline for this weeks trivia responses is tomorrow! Unfortunately the new questions and the answers wont be up for a few days because Chris won't get back from Austin for a few days.

Gamecenter Too Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Game sites seem fond of reviewing the movie, and Gamecenter is no exception. You can read their review here. The article also reports that Desmond Crisis will interview Chris Roberts on CNET Central.

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