Commercials Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The commercials can now be seen on UPN, The Cartoon Network and TSN. Please insert the UPN joke of your choice here.

Future RM Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Oh, something else from Matthew Lillard's official site. Aparently E! Daily news had a feature on Wing Commander a week ago, and a realmovie version will be available soon!

Poster News Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Okay, so we know there are WC movie poster coming.. but straight from the source of one of the posters, SciPubTech, comes this:

We are producing a cut-away poster of the Tiger Claw which is the main ship in the Movie. The poster will be 24"x36" and will be printed in 5 colors on acid free archival paper stock. The scene will include the tiger claw and the fighter ships it carries as well as the Kilrathi fighters in a battle.

We are still working on the technical illustration at this time.

Sounds real sweet does it not? Personally, I can't wait.

Toy Article Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The excellent Raving Toy Maniac posted a big article on X-Toys! Included is, naturally, information on the upcoming Wing Commander line! It confirms earlier fears that the two toy ships are being held until fall to judge interest, and it also reports that a second line of figures could be released around that time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Anyway, check out the article here because it's full of other cool stuff -- you won't believe what other properties X Toys is working with...

Movie Mail Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Yay, I got another note from that Origin mailing list we all signed up for a long time ago...

Subject: Today's In-flight movie
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 15:25:21
From: Wing Commander Announcement
To: Wing Commander Fans

Attention Wing Commander fans:

The Wing Commander movie has become a reality and is coming to a theater near you on March 12th. Check out the latest Wing Commander web site at, featuring links to information on the movie. Get the latest scoop on the movie and send an electronic "Wing Commander" postcard to your friend.

Thanks for your support and enjoy the movie.

Vist for more information.

An Article in 3D Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

MK84 reports that the April issue of 3D-Design magazine has a cover story on the making of the Wing Commander Movie's special FX. I'm not really sure where to buy 3D Design magazine,so if anyone out there knows or has a copy they can scan, let me know!
Wing Commander--from CD to Silver Screen
Digital Anvil's popular computer game Wing Commander is winging its way to the big screen -- join us behind the scenes as we look at the transition from desktop to feature film.

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