Help Wanted, Privateer 3 & The Future Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

"We are searching for a talented and experienced Lead Programmer to work on a massively multiplayer game based in the Wing Commander universe." reads the want ads at Origin's web page -- how often does a simple sentence so reveal so much of the future? Origin is looking for eight experienced people to join the Maverick team. The project? While we've heard no official confirmation, A Talent For War is reporting that this 'massive multiplayer' game is none other than Privateer 3. Time will tell, and it's going to be a very good time... Below are links to the job requirements and names of the positions at Origin. There was also another interesting tidbit at the jobs page... "ORIGIN Will have a booth at the upcoming Westech Career Expo (High tech employment opportunities). Come on down and see us on Tuesday & Wednesday, October 27, 28 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. & 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Palmer Auditorium, 400 South First Street, Austin, TX." Damned shame I'm not heading to Texas earlier...

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