Dragon His Heels Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Wow, it's both graphics AND German magazine day here at the CIC... what's next? ANOTHER cool ship by HCl. Recent survey's show that this fighter is the most popular Wing Commander ship... check out the Dragon in the vision engine.

Talos Station Art! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Wing Commander fan Magno sent me this bit of fan art he created the other day... I'm usually not much of a fan of fan art (that didn't sound right), but this is pretty dashed cool. I'm just sorry I didn't post it earlier...

The PC Games Article! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The below screenshot is the PC Games article mentioned earlier today, which was very kindly provided by Johannes Schüring! On a personal note, I'd like to say that the fact that in only a few hours someone had already scanned the article for us really speaks volumes about how great the Wing Commander fan community is. You guys are the best! Now, if somebody could just translate it from German...

New Movie Shots! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Johannes Schüring, who was kind enough to respond to our request for a copy of the German Wing Commander Movie Article, also sent a whole load of new screenshots! These are from a magazine called Der Stern, and are apparently several months old... they're new to us, though! There are some really cool shots of the Kilrathi, check it out...

ARGH!!! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

I swear, it IS German magazine week... whilst trying to find an URL for Gamestar for the below update I've learned that their current issue ALSO contains the Secret Ops starter. Go figure.

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A request to any of our European readers -- the German version of PC Games is apparently running an article about the Wing Commander Movie. If any one out there could find the time to either scan the article or send us a translated copy, both the CIC and Wing Commander fans everywhere would be most greatfull.

A Simulating Experience Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Well, Locke has released yet another cool patch... but can you think of a day of the week when that doesn't happen? The following two patches are updates to his Secret Ops Mission Simulator, for people who have complained about it replacing the killboard. This one changes the simulator so it replaces the 'exit' door, while this one replaces the strange easter egg. Choose wisely.

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