Wing Commander: The Movie?

The WCIII melek is much more real. The WCIV version look more like a puppet, and so he looks unreal.
Puppet... or muppet?!

Melek-WC4 looks a bit cooler in real-life... the WC3 Kilrathi look *less* cool.
The Kilrathis in WC2 look definetly coolest. When I saw the the WC3 Kilrathis for the first time I thought they look like apes.
Mmmmmh, in any case the Kilrathi from the games, consistent or not, are way better than the movie ones (BLEAH!)...
The WC4 Melek looks like someone walking around in a Disney costume to me.

I also think it's hard to compare cartoon Kilrathi with the live action ones. In all actuality, you can't compare them. It's like comparing the taste of apples and a drawing of apples. You can eat the paper all you like, but they're not the same thing.
mpanty, me thinks that is for each individual to decide... that said, just like Melek, the movie Kilrathi look much better live.
Originally posted by Earthworm
mpanty, me thinks that is for each individual to decide...

Me thinks you are right :)
We're in democracy after all...

Do you permit myself to express mine opinion Earthworm?
Yes? Thank you for your permission! Here is mine opinion:


Thank you Earthworm... :)
Only in WC III and WC IV (I was hoping for some kilrathi pilots aboard the Midway, but....).
The Kilrathi bodyguards of WC III did look like apes (sorry but they did), Melek of WC IV looked great, but since everthing in WC IV was great, that no suprise.
WCIV doesn't have very many missions though... it's on what... the third disc that Blair gets the opportunity to first defect? And by then, how many missions have you flown? It's a great game, it's just that there's so much movie, and so little game. At least to me.
SHUT UP, YOU ARE SPEAKING SACRALIDGE. IF you just want to fly go and get another game and never let me see your face again. WCIV is a masterpiece with tons of missions depending on the choices you make ect, and it has better movies and quality of movies than any actual movie I have ever seen (besides SW:ESB)
To the uneducate ones, WC4 features 42 missions, which is hardly a small number, PLUS variations of those missions (meaning that some of them will be different depending on your previous actions.)
Just something strange I noticed... most of the Kilrathi in WC3 other than the main characters are completely lifeless, eg the royal guards. :)
well even a great game, has to cut corners somewhere, if it doesn't expect to cost 12 million dollars, like a certain greatest game of all time that we all know and love.
Not everyone thinks WC4 is the absolute best. (Personally, I think they all have their good and bad points)
IMHO Wing Commander 2 was the best game ever due to the balance between gameplay and storyline.
