Wing Commander: The Movie?

Hmm... it's last on your list becuase you haven't played it as much? Or is it that you haven't played it as much because it's the one you like least?

Ive played through WC1,2,3, and P way more times than i have 4, which at three weeks ago made twice so thats why it is the last on my list.
42 missions? Thats more than DOUBLE the 18 missions in WC1 (without expansion, only counting one path, not losing any series and going to systems like Rostov)

I thought WC2 was a bit trite compared to WC1. WC1 just had that cool feel about it.

AND HOW MANY BLOODY WRINKLES DOES BLUEHAIR GET IN THOSE TEN YEARS?!?!?! After all, hes only about 33. Poor bloke, everyone else's face seems as young as WC1.

As for Melek, well, who says Kilrathi don't have coloured contacts and cosmetic surgery. After the loss of the war, the Kilrathi attached less of a stigma to plastic surgery... :D
That's 42 missions *total* -- counting all of the paths. WC1 had more than that, in that respect. I've got a doctors appointment, but I'll make a chart when I get home...
I think you should count the wc1 expansions, most versions of wc1 have them, and most people with the disk version of wc1 probably bought them.

My favorite is WCIV, followed closely by privateer.

Just curious, which WC1 is it that's your favorite wing commander game. Is it SWC? I find wc1 is to choppy when I try to slow it down with cpukiller, and is far to fast with out it.

p.s: Ooo I went up in rank :) !

[Edited by Dekkar on 03-02-2001 at 12:22]
WC1 is also my all-time favourite. WC2 had great cutscenes ("Khasra, I have heard enough of Khasra...") but it lacked the promotions and medals (due to the story). Privateer is also quite on top of my list due to its powerful atmosphere.
Although getting a 3DO back when they were expensive just so I could run SWC is one of those crazy things that I'm very proud of, my favorite version of WC is the original release -- it got *everything* right. :)
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
WC1 is still my absolute favorite. Followed by Privateer!

Mmmmh... this has probably already been brought up, but I'd like to be sure before I buy...

Does Privateer (I) have ANY CHANCE to work on a modern computer? Probably not under Windows, what about a MS-DOS reboot? :(:rolleyes:
Yes indeed it will work on a DOS reboot. Once you get a copy post a message asking for help in the Tech Support Forum and they'll walk you through it (as long as you don't act like a jerk :) )

Originally posted by TC
Yes indeed it will work on a DOS reboot. Once you get a copy post a message asking for help in the Tech Support Forum and they'll walk you through it (as long as you don't act like a jerk:))

Wow TC, you think I usually act like a jerk?
You and I got started on the wrong foot...

Where's the support between people living in Canada? Oh wait, you probably despise East coasters from Quebec, don't you? ;)

Just so you know, I didn't chose Quebec for fun, it just happens that one of the best universities of your country is right here in Montreal...
Ok, "autant pour moi"... it wasn't personal...

The "stupid people" wasn't personal either, I assume :)

And LOAF, you're really visiting Montreal?