Wing Commander reality

So why choose them? What made them so much better than every other civilisation?

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

Hail to the king, baby.
-Ash, housewares

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
Nothing. It's one of those senseless loops, I think. As in, God chose them because they're better than everybody else, and they're better than everybody else because God chose them

But are you really sure you want to get into a discussion like this? I mean, I might end up having to kill you if any trouble arises...
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Actually, the way I see it, God chose... er... us, because we wrote the book. It would be kinda` stupid if we were to write all that stuff about another people, wouldn`t it? The Bible just happens to be one of the more popular books of that kind.
All people, who worship their own deity believe he/she/it have chosen them over everybody else. It`s as simple as that.
That why I've chosen to step away from the established religions. After a brief fling with Native American spiritualism I've picked the best path for me: I've chosen to become my own Deity (sp?). It's so much easier being your own god: you set your own rules (if you break them you just change them, You are guaranteed to go to heaven,...)
The Brotherhood of No Regret has only one goal: the total and complete eradication of mankind from this planet. Nature is to roam the planet freely without mankind's interference. No, I was not smoking anything when I thought this up. I actually have a follower (just one, but it's a start (and he isn't prepared to see me as a god yet, so I'm pretending to be an Evil Overlord bent on conquering the world with my Legions of Terror instead))

Quarto: it would be an honor to be killed by you, but since I am my own god and therefore subject to my beliefs I'm immortal
need zzzzleep...

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

Hail to the king, baby.
-Ash, housewares

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
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Oh, since you're immortal, I'm sure you won't mind if I use you as a test subject in my (mad scientist) "scientific" (read: military) projects.

The WC Source Code Release Project needs you!
"This matter winds itself ever in new riddles.", Faramir - The Lord of The Rings
"Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our neck before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth..." - Kahlil Gibran

Member of the LMG(Centaurian)
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Boy, this is getting weirder and weirder.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
Triple post? I guess Wedge009 has an itchy trigger finger

[This message has been edited by Quarto (edited September 03, 2000).]
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It's obvious anything I say is unlikely to change anyone's heart or mine, but I have to give it a go.

People have a lot of preconceived ideas and misconceptions on the Bible and Christianity. The Bible was written by authors over several generations, and there is not one single contradiction within it. How is that possible if it were written by "superstitious fools", I don't know. Various threads of the Bible have been confirmed by both Christian and non-Christian historians.

There are several "religious fanatics" who claim to be Christian and these too give poor image to the true essence of Christianity.

We can't presume to know why God chose to destroy the Egyptians or any other race who were enemies of the Jews. If anyone bothered to read the Bible, they would know that races who were immoral and evil were destroyed by Israel, the few nations with honourable and noble leaders had peaceful relations with Israel.

Jews, for some reason, don't seem to believe the New Testament. I think one reason for this is that they are no longer the 'chosen people.' The most important event in history - and the core of Christianity - is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through His death, the rest of the world - along with the Jews - were granted relationship with God, provided they are willing to accept it wholeheartedly.

Tell me, does anyone here acknowledge that Julius Caesar existed? The few historical records which give evidence to Caesar's life is dated at about 900 years AD. Jesus has several times the number of historical records about Him (outside of the Bible) and many of these were written only a few years after His ascension.

I could go on, but I doubt anyone is willing to read this, let alone believe it.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." - John 3:16

Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship with God.

Having said that, and knowing few will agree with me, can we please get back to Wing Commander?
Tell me, does anyone here acknowledge that Julius Caesar existed? The few historical records which give evidence to Caesar's life is dated at about 900 years AD.
What are you smoking, man?

You know, the thing that really irritates me about Christianity is that they jump at any opportunity to convert others...
Just a little friendly reminder from your favorite (and seemingly only, at times) admin...

While discussion of religion is fine in and of itself, if it gets to the shrill screaming of insults at one another that such discussions tend to degrade into, don't be surprised if this thread gets squelched PDQ. There's enough cruftage in this forum as-is without introducing a Jihad...

SubCrid Death, one of those eeeevil right-wing Christians

Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild

[This message has been edited by Death (edited September 03, 2000).]
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My stupid server was acting up that time and I couldn't be sure the post got thru...

And I hate the word 'convert' - it's not accurate for the purpose its used for.

Anyway, like I said can we please get back to Wing Commander since no one's gonna agree with me.

PS I don't smoke ANYTHING.
Oh, the smoking thing wasn't about all the religious stuff you said
. It was just because you said that "The few historical records which give evidence to Caesar's life is dated at about 900 years AD" - which is a very silly thing to say.

Don't worry about the triple post... it happens
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Nobody, well, at least not me, is arguing about the historical facts. I`m not saying Jesus or Moses or Abraham or anybody else in the Bible or New Testament for that matter, never existed. It`s just the details that tend to be mixed up. The details of stories are changed to make them more memorable, because people have a very short term memory. You don`t have to go back 2-3 thousand years to see historical events` details being messed up. It happens in events that took place 50 years ago and even less.
Yeah, but it isn't as good as others like B5 but then again there hasn't been 4 movies and 5 years of TV shows. I'm just happy JMS is doing a new Sci-fi show though they haven't announced what it is about yet. Hopefully the company won't interfere like TNT did. Incompetant execs ruin more shows and movies by dumbing them down or changing them to increase their mass appeal and make them cookie-cutter. Thats why ST has been floundering for years. They haven't tried anything innovative in so long its not even funny.

There is no God but myself. No destiny but what I deem for me. I walk my path and no others, for I am free.
I just don't like Startrek because the people are just too nice. I mean, it's annoying how morally correct they always act.
Yeah, freaking pricks acting nice. How dare they? Why can't they be mean and crappy and s***ity like everyone else. Roddenbarry did that because the only way we will ever expand into space like that is through global cooperations and that means getting rid of most of the prejudices in the world.

There is no God but myself. No destiny but what I deem for me. I walk my path and no others, for I am free.
Correct me if I'm wrong but when Roddenberry first created ST wasn't he aiming at presenting a futuristic utopia where everyone was happy as a contrast to the unhappiness of the 1960s?

Vondoom: Is that reference to a new sci fi show by JMS a reference to Crusade or another show based on the B5 universe or what?
An entirely new show not based in the B5 universe. Crusade is dead and JMS isn't going to try to bring it back. He only did crusade to make TNT happy and then they made him change tons of stuff. He posted a few scripts on the web of Crusade that never got made but thats about it. It'll probably come out in book form. He has two trilogies out by J. Keyes and Peter David that are based off of his outlines. One tells about the history of Psi-Corp and the fate of Bester. The other deals with the fall of Centauri Prime and how Vir becomes Emporer. Highly recommended. The new show al that is know is that JMS will be exec. producer. Nothing else has been released yet.

There is no God but myself. No destiny but what I deem for me. I walk my path and no others, for I am free.